Meditation Themes


Perhaps we should love ourselves so fiercely, that when others see us, they know exactly how it should be done.” Rudy Francisco
Dear Ones,
loving yourself is an ongoing practice and for me the true art of living happily ever after. Once you commit yourself to it, you’ll benefit enormously. The relationship you have with yourself mirrors in so many ways in your life, and it’s undoubtedly the most dominant relationship you’ll ever experience. Treating yourself like your best friend, will make you feel wonderful! If that is the only thing which happens, it would be enough. But that’s just a beginning. Your loving heart and eyes uncover so many wonderful gifts and treasures within, you didn’t even know you possess and your own loving encouragement will help you to express them all. The love you feel for yourself connects you to all wonders of the world as they all reside in the same realm of love. Love is after all your true identity, the Source part of you. In the moment you reconnect to that part of you, you also reconnect to supreme intelligence, wisdom, creativity, health and wealth, joy, divine timing and synchronicities. So don’t postpone the love for yourself any longer. Give yourself a break, the benefit of the doubt. Be generous with yourself. Allow yourself to do mistakes and learn from them. Encourage yourself and reward yourself. Appreciate yourself and even if you slip back to the old ways of treating yourself, don’t judge yourself. Simply start again. Love Yourself.
I am looking forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love and Angels blessings,
Jana x x

Self-Love is the theme for the meditation  on Sat 2nd Sept at 11.30 am at Tree of Life Centre in Brighton & Hove and on Wed 6th Sept at 7 pm at Intrinsic Health in Lewes.

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