Meditation Themes

Your Feelings Matter

Your feelings are your greatest tools to create your life.” Rhonda Byrne

Dear Ones, 

I am someone who always felt strongly about things. Put together with my profound sensitivity I thought this to be a difficult personality combination for a long time. Now I know so clearly that these are actually my superpowers: My feelings are deep so I can’t ever ignore them. And that’s such a good thing! As the feelings and emotions are a valuable inner guidance and there is nothing which can take you further from who you really are than ignoring, suppressing or discarding your feelings…We live in the physical world and the majority of people truly believe that their power is in their words and actions. But these are nothing more than just natural further extension of your thoughts and beliefs which then again mirror so accurately in feelings, emotions and moods. Before I go any further, let me just briefly clarify that I will use “positive” and “negative” just as a simplified description and without any judgement. We all experience a broad spectrum of feelings, they are all valuable and valid, and we need to embrace all of them. And above all I they make us just so beautiful! But it is also true that we all received the greatest gift of all – the gift of a free will and we can learn to choose where we want to dwell more of the time, not by eliminating the “negative”, but by cultivating or choosing the “positive” in our lives. At the end of the day there are really only two choices we all make every day – love or fear, as all other “positive” or “negative” feelings stem from either of them. If you are reading these words there is no doubt that you want to choose love. The more present you are with yourself and your life the more consciously you can practice the life changing choice of love. Again and again, until you will gather a strong momentum and love becomes your most dominant natural response to life. This is at core of any true spiritual journey and mastery of life. If you are reading these words you are on this journey already and you might be further along than you give yourself credit for. So take this moment to appreciate yourself, dear and very loved One…

On Sunday I’ve seen such an enchanting garden and it made me think that we are all gardeners of our inner landscape…We too are constantly preparing the ground from which our words and actions stem. The soil is your moods, your feelings, your emotions. So what are the most dominant ones for you? You can expect the most stunning flowers (words and actions) to bloom from the ground of love and something entirely different from ground of fear. So in a way you can predict your own future from your current feelings and moods…But your power is always in the present moment and the choice is and always will be yours. No one else can make it for you nor take it away from you. As you are the supreme gardener of your inner garden. And you are planting something right now…I am looking forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love,
Jana x x

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