Meditation Themes


“Love is the bridge between you and everything.” Rumi

Dear Ones,

loving yourself unconditionally is an art you can master. Sometimes people think it means being self-indulgent or too self-absorbed but it’s not that and neither it means being caught in your ego/limited self and the ego desires. Loving yourself truly and unconditionally is rather seeing yourself from the perspective of your higher self, the eternal you, the greater you and consistently holding the highest vision for the manifested human you. It certainly doesn’t mean being in denial. It’s seeing clearly all that you are and at the same time not falling into a trap of self-criticism. It is a deeper knowing and understanding that the attitude of love is like bringing magic into your life as it always brings out the best in everyone, can heal any wounds and always points us in the right direction. 

It’s good to be aware that at this point of human evolution most of us didn’t receive love with no conditions in our childhood. The simple reason is that if you don’t love yourself unconditionally you can’t give unconditional love to anyone else either. Those two are interconnected and reveal clearly why self-love is a natural way to bring more love into the world and create lasting peace on Earth. And so well-meaning parents and teachers did their best but simply couldn’t go beyond their own limitations, often receiving even more conditional love from their own parents and teachers. So seeing them with compassion means again seeing them from the perspective of your higher self. 

Loving yourself means being in touch with your inner truth. We constantly receive feedback about what works and what doesn’t work for us and respecting it and acting accordingly brings us back into balance and in a way it’s true self-love in action. Learning to love yourself unconditionally means parenting yourself. And as all great parents know when to set the appropriate boundaries and discipline their children, always coming from a place of love and long-term positive intentions for their children, the same applies to us as we are finding unconditional love for ourselves. 

For us on a spiritual path the acts of self-love often manifest as self-care and being committed to a daily spiritual practice which reminds us of who we are so that we don’t get lost in everyday dramas of life. Whether it is meditation, further cultivating your awareness, looking after the physical body, following your passion and natural interest or allowing joy in your everyday life, inner commitment to engage in those activities clearly shows your love for yourself. Our actions always reveal what we really believe in. 

And so dearest One, if you believe self-love is important for your happiness, how could you demonstrate it today, tomorrow and all of your days?

 I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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