Meditation Themes

Self-love & Self-care

“What is done in love is done well.” Vincent Van Gogh

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Dear Ones,

We are going through such a powerful time right now which could initiate such a profound change for the better. While energetically this is undoubtedly a period of contraction, as we have to limit our external expression, it’s good to know that in perfect divine timing this will be followed by a period of expansion…So please don’t deplete your precious personal energy in worry and fear. It’s one thing to embrace all of your feelings without judgement and in doing so to allow the space for inner healing and it’s another thing to get stuck in negative thinking. So avoid the temptation to overly focus on the negative side of the current story. Instead commit fully to holding the highest vision not only for yourself but also all humankind. So that when the time of expansion comes again and you’ll harvest the fruits of your intentions, there will be a reason to celebrate. 

This time of contraction is in many ways like giving birth. Not unlike a baby going through the birth canal, this might at times feel like going through death, when in fact ultimately it’s about moving into a whole new life. As much as it’s important to stay present during the labour, the same applies to all of us right now. Because only when we are grounded in the present moment we can access the progressive new ways. Otherwise we’ll just fall asleep again and unconsciously repeat our old habits and old patterns of thinking and nothing new or progressive can be expected from that state of being…In its highest potential this is a time of awakening to who we truly are and what’s possible for each of us personally and also collectively. So let’s stay awake and receptive to the fresh new insights! 

Much self-love and self-care is necessary now so that you are able to stay focused and grounded in the present moment. If the whole concept of self-love and self-care is new to you, experiment with it a little bit! Learn to keep your mind clear and your heart clean. Allow and dedicate some space for any healing which needs to happen right now and be gentle with yourself. No need to judge yourself or anyone around you right now…Find your own unique ways in this, be creative or even playful about it! 

For me personally self-love and self-care means meditating every day, respecting myself and my needs, going for long walks in nature and basking in the beauty of everything I see, resting when I am tired, not losing my sense of humour and still enjoying a good laugh, keeping the faith, connecting to Source and Angels, connecting to people I love, reading or listening to something uplifting and inspiring, writing and being creative…

And what self-love and self-care means to you? How could you develop it further and make it your priority right now? How could you grow in your ability to love, encourage and support yourself?Again let the answers come to you when you are ready to receive them and don’t worry that this is too selfish or self-indulgent. As once you know what it means to truly love and care for yourself, you’ll naturally extend it to others, so everyone benefits.

I look forward to meditating with you!

Lots of love,
Jana x x 

Due to the current restrictions all meditation are online on Zoom now. More info:

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