Meditation Themes

Own Your Power

“Circumstances don’t matter, only state of being matters” Bashar

Dear Ones,
I love this affirmation by Bashar. It sums up the law of attraction beautifully…Most us have been unconsciously trained to see the circumstances and conditions of our lives as set in stone and hard to change. And if they are not pleasing to feel restricted and limited by them. But every time you feel like that you affirm that you are a victim. This couldn’t be further from the truth, further from life, because you call everything and everyone into your life by the thoughts you think and the feelings you feel. And any outside condition can therefore be changed much more easily and quickly than you were taught to believe. It only requires your decision. When you truly commit to consciously owning your power, the unwanted circumstances start dissolving already. And the truth of who you are starts resonating through all your being. You’ll hear the sweetest song your soul always sings to you: You are powerful beyond your imagination and it is time and it is right for you to own your power completely
This week I encourage you notice what is your most common reaction to life, especially to any challenge. Do you tend to feel powerless or do you welcome the challenge? Do you affirm your victimhood or your immense power? One of my clients who keeps inspiring me endlessly just said in one of our sessions: “I start feeling such an appreciation even for the difficulties. I understand now that they can teach me so much.” This is such an empowered approach to life. When you truly understand that you live in a loving and supportive universe and that innately there is nothing and no one against you, you start relaxing more and all blessings can flow into your life more easily. That’s when you own your power in a graceful and inspiring way…That’s when anything can happen for you…That’s when miracles can happen…Simply because YOU ARE SO POWERFUL. 
I am looking forward to meditating with you soon.
Lots of love,
Jana x x

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