Meditation Themes

Crystal Clarity

“For me the greatest beauty always lies in the greatest clarity.” G. E. Lessing


Dear Ones, 

One of the greatest gifts of this historically important time is the higher potential for clarity. A crystal clear clarity…Not only for your own personal life, but also the world community…

Any real change and transformation has to always start within your own consciousness. On the energetic level you literally have to become someone else. A greater expression of the potential within. You move deeper into your true identity which is love and leave behind another layer of fear and dis-empowerment, the old you….

Your clarity about what you want now is already naturally pulling you forward. Even if you don’t know HOW the new reality will emerge, if you can acknowledge and cherish the very precious pieces of clarity you are receiving right now, the new life has already begun. Simply because where you put your attention is where you put your energy…

In the old world you would demand “the how”, inevitably force it into being and in doing so actually unconsciously repeated the old ways. So from that state of mind you might manifest “different places, different faces” scenarios, but essentially the same feeling, the same life experience, so nothing much has really changed. 

In the new world you start sensing more vividly the Divine intelligence and love behind everything and you learn to trust and co-create with Her/Him. You also become crystal clear about the part you are playing. Which is to decide, to choose your preference from the field of infinite possibilities and completely align with it. 

You came into this life with a supreme gift, a gift of free will. It was not given to all living beings, so using it actively is one of the keys for your happiness…You have every right and also power to live the life you want to live…

The active invitation to the Divine to enter your life is to surrender the HOW to Her/Him. This surrender is not putting you in a passive role. To be able to receive the Divine input, you can’t fall asleep into your old habits but instead to stay grounded in the present moment. As the present moment is the only place you can experience the Divine encounter. It might come to you as “your own” brilliant idea, someone else’s idea which excites you or you might literally walk into your desired reality and it will feel like a delightful surprise to you. In anyway the receiving from the Divine will be accompanied by feelings of new and fresh, awe, delight, happy surprise and brilliance. 

The manifestation in the visible reality is a moment of well deserved triumph. And it all started maybe in a moment of a great contrast in your life. Maybe when the unwanted became so clear and visible to you, that you couldn’t live in denial any more…But you were wise enough not to dwell on it and instead allowed yourself to fully embrace what you truly and genuinely wanted…It all started with your crystal clarity…

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom!

Lots of love,
Jana x x 

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