Meditation Themes

You Are Source and Source Is You

I am unlimited. I am unrestricted. I am Source and Source is me…


Dear One,

As the new world is being born through us all now, it’s time to let go of perceiving ourselves in small and limited ways…

When we cross over from the non-physical into the physical body through the birth, we all have to cross the river of forgetfulness so that the story of our life can begin and unfold…This includes being surrounded by well meaning adults who themselves forgot a long time ago who they truly are…And so with their best intentions in mind they’ll start teaching us limitation mainly by example through their feelings/energy of lack, frustration, worry, unworthiness, victimhood, sacrifice, powerlessness, defensiveness etc. This just somehow belongs to the story of being human, so it’s good to make peace with it…Every story has to have a beginning, but I want you to know that this is a story of your awakening. So don’t lose the plot in the midst of all life’s dramas and changes…

I want you to know, that this is an incredibly beautiful and powerful story of your awakening and remembering who you truly are…And what I learnt from many years of my coaching, healing and meditation practice is, that the journey the soul takes on can’t ever be judged from outside appearances and that there is always more to the story than it’s obvious to most…I often feel the absolute confidence of the soul to go through anything which life naturally brings. And what our mind is so quick to judge as bad, is often perceived differently from the higher view of the soul…

One of the most common patterns I’ve noticed so far is that those who embark on the most inspiring and expansive life journey, are often those who went through some hardship early on in their life. It feels to me that this was deliberately chosen by the soul, so it doesn’t fall into the sleep of forgetfulness and complacency completely but instead stays alert and asks bigger questions right at the beginning…And with bigger questions naturally come bigger answers, much growth, blossoming and expansion later on…And so it is with all major changes in our lives. So don’t be quick to call them as bad, but instead learn to ask yourself: What new is trying to emerge in my life right now?

And most importantly learn to lean towards the unlimited unrestricted part within you. This is the eternal part of you, not limited by time and space. You can fall back into that vast ocean of unconditional love within anytime you choose…It is only matter of your intention and practice…It is certainly my everyday practice, I cherish dearly…Relaxing more and more into your true essence, and leaving the false, small and restricted you behind is what we do in all our meditations, so this one won’t be an exception….You see, ultimately you are Source and Source is you, so there is nothing you cannot be, do or have…You just have to wake up and stay awake…

Are you ready?

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom!

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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