Meditation Themes


“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein


Dear One,

the truly richest people I’ve met so far are in my opinion those who don’t take anything or anyone for granted. The richness of their grateful heart overflows with appreciation and abundance which then reflects into their life in so many ways…I’ve also met wealthy people who are poor at heart, living in an illusion of superiority, dissatisfied with life and no amount of money can ever compensate for such inner lack and scarcity. 

The theme of abundance and money is surrounded by so many beliefs. And this is only natural as it’s so essential for our earthly existence. So everyone has to think about it and come to an (often unconscious) conclusion, mostly based on their life experience so far. Now, this belief can serve you well or might literally create a barrier for abundance to flow easily to you. Again, we all have to be honest with ourselves and become aware what those beliefs are and if they are truly in alignment with the life we want to live. 

You can have it all. This is probably a sentence not many of us were lucky enough to hear while growing up. But if one can live in abundance, everyone can live in abundance. It all starts with your mindset. To be able to see yourself actually living an abundant life and knowing that you are worthy of it and deserve it, is a good start. 

Energetically there is no limit to abundance you could live, as abundance expands proportionately to match desires. And if you truly ground yourself in the belief of infinite abundance, you’ll naturally start seeing the world differently. You’ll start seeing a world of possibilities, a world where is more than enough for everyone. And in this expansive highly creative state of mind you’ll naturally attract great ideas, helpful people and abundance in any form and shape. 

It all starts with you and how you usually think and feel. Do you see possibilities or obstacles? Do you take what you have right now for granted or are you thankful for it? Are you happy for someone else’s success or are you jealous? Do you believe that you deserve to be wealthy or do you think that you still somehow have to prove your worthiness first? How do you feel when you pay for something? Do you believe that you have to work hard for your success or do you believe in ease and flow of abundance? 

All change starts with seeing yourself clearly, and yet without judgment. So many beliefs about money and abundance have been passed to us by our parents, society, time we live in. And as children we don’t question the beliefs of adults and simply internalise them as facts. So an important part of awakening is to parent ourselves again. This time more constructively. Recognising and releasing those beliefs which don’t serve us and adopting the life affirming ones. 

And most importantly to do so with love and compassion for yourself and in pace which is appropriate and right for you. There is no hurry and there is no competition. You are eternal. You are love and you are light. And now it’s time to remember that you are also infinite abundance!  

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom!

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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