Meditation Themes


“To find yourself, think for yourself.“ Socrates 


Dear Ones,

Maybe you too can feel that the events of the past few months have changed you. Perhaps they helped you to realise with a new clarity and depth who you truly are. And now a new identity is emerging within you, a more authentic and real you. And what once resonated with you or at least was acceptable for you is not. Not now, not anymore…

At a time of profound inner change it’s important to be your own best friend and hold an unconditional loving space for yourself, so that the new can be gradually grounded in your life in practical tangible ways. 

Others around you might or might not support your changes, and although it can feel comforting to have an approval of others, living within the boundaries of what others perceive is right for you would ultimately mean giving your power away and missing the whole point of your own life and your own calling. 

As you start grounding this new energy in your everyday life it’s essential to do so from a place of your innate freedom. No matter how restricted or limited the world around you might seem at this point, if you – while making your decisions – are also coming from a place of limitation, you’ll only perpetuate it further. 

Your higher level of authenticity is naturally connected to a higher level of your freedom. Now, freedom and love in their highest expression are the same. There is freedom in true love, respecting the authenticity of others. And there is love in true freedom, naturally taking in account the highest good of all.

We’ve been conditioned to focus too much on obstacles and limitations and in doing so disconnecting from the innate freedom and infinite possibilities. Freedom is a practice. You can either practice limitation by affirming it consciously or unconsciously as you go through your day or practice freedom, by reminding yourself – as often as you need to – that in any given moment you have a choice. Even if it’s “just” freedom of your thoughts, of your perspective. Freedom of your thoughts is in fact where all your freedom starts. So intentionally expanding your beliefs will naturally bring more freedom in all aspects of your everyday life…

And the time is now…

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom.

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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