Meditation Themes

The Beauty of Simplicity

“There is no greatness where there is not simplicity, goodness and truth.” Leo Tolstoy

Dear Ones,
life is a dynamic ever changing experience and it doesn’t matter if you are 19 or 99, as long as you are alive the river of life will be moving through you and moving you. Moving you forward not backwards. So better to go with its stream willingly! As when we resist any inner or/and outer changes, we get caught in resistance and suffering is then a natural consequence.

What helped me personally to understand and trust this natural flow of life more than anything else is the immense love of Source I can feel these days. Since I connect to Source on a daily basis, since I feel the loving attention Source gives to me – and to every living being – I go more easily. I go more joyfully. Simply because I have more trust in the direction these changes are calling me – Source is calling me. And even if I get temporarily caught in resistance, it doesn’t last very long now, because the love of Source reminds me soon enough that I am safe. And I’ve learnt that even in the midst of all life’s changes, I can still have stability, balance and harmony. I can consciously choose them, I can tend to them internally and they soon manifest externally. 

One of the many gifts of meditating is that you get to know yourself on a deeper level. You understand more what really drives you, what your core values are and you learn to live in harmony with your values. To me, this seems to be connected to simplicity. Especially with any bigger change, there is often a need to simplify, to get in a closer alignment with who I am becoming. The mind can try to persuade you that life is too complicated, difficult or confusing. But the truth of bare simplicity can reveal the essence of your life effortlessly. Letting go is the doorway to simplicity. As any change or challenge we experience is truly a gift, an opportunity to release yet another layer of conditioning, another old belief which has nothing to do with who you truly are. So that the more authentic self can start emerging, followed by more genuine joy and happiness. Joy which doesn’t seem to be attached to an external condition. It simply springs from the depths of the heart, often unexpectedly and to your own surprise and delight. And to me there is no more accurate sign that I am moving in the right direction than an increasing joy, as the heart never lies….And so I’ve learnt to appreciate the beauty of simplicity…

I look forward to meditating with you on simplicity!

Lots of love,


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