Meditation Themes

Your Heart’s True Desires

“Never lose hope, my dear heart. Miracles dwell in the invisible.” Rumi

Dear Ones,
I love focusing on the blessings. At this point of my life I really feel there is a gift in every situation. This realisation emerged gradually together with the growing understanding about how much we are all loved by Source. And so no matter how things look on the outside, the gift is always present. It is either visible to everyone, an obvious blessing or it’s hidden. 

The Scorpio season we are going through right now often brings many hidden gifts. I wonder if it’s because Scorpio energy likes the secrets, likes the hidden and mysterious. Its gifts might not be as obvious as the gifts of summer or spring months, but are nevertheless equally valuable. And so as the darkness of the days expands, we can learn to see in the dark.  In its highest form this is the energy of mythical Phoenix rising from its ashes, the time of death, rebirth and renewal. The time when our feelings might run high as Scorpio is not by any means a superficial creature and wants us to get in a real touch with our inner truth and not run from it like we can often easily do otherwise. And so this is the best time to release anything internal and external that is no longer an energy match to who we became over the last months of our personal evolution. The release now can become truly effortless as it’s in such profound harmony with the natural flow of energies. A natural shedding of the old before the new can enter. 

But the famous intensity of Scorpio reveals not only the truth about what is to be released, but also about what is to be fully embraced and cherished – what we truly love and value. It is after all a very passionate sign and doesn’t waste much time with anything which is not in alignment with the heart’s true desires. And so it can help us to do the same. So let the intensity of your feelings not scare you at this time, but instead let it show you the way forward. Reconnect to your vision. 

The best time to do so is when you feel really good – when you have a winged heart and can let your mind freely wander to explore the realm of infinite possibilities, to soar in new highs and not be held back by any past experience. This is the perfect time to create your vision, a map to your future. Once you have your clarity, combine the clear intention with positive emotion like gratitude, joy or excitement, a feeling which would naturally emerge in your heart if your dream is already fully manifested. This is a life giving synergy which not only gives birth to your dreams energetically but also takes care of them on a daily basis as they hatch and in perfect divine timing emerge in your reality. And this is exactly what we are going to do in our meditation.  So let the magic happen, dearest One. Are you ready?

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