Meditation Themes

Your Innate Stability

“Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.” Maya Angelou

Dear Ones,
It’s so good to know that in the midst of all change, you can still have stability. And it is the stability within which will give you the true satisfaction you seek. Stability of your spirit. Stability grounded in your innate freedom and not in slavery of external demands and attachments. It is in your inner sanctuary, you can enter anytime you wish to. You don’t need anyone’s permission to enter. Only your own.

Your heart will lead the way, opening the door to calm, peace and serenity.  And your heart will reveal to you that you can have it all. Change without being grounded is turmoil. Stability without growth and natural evolution is stagnation. But your heart will show you another way…A golden middle way…It will show you how to be in the world but not of the world,  with one foot in the spiritual world where your eternal self always dwells undisturbed by anything and with the other foot in the world of ever changing external reality expressing yourself joyfully in all matters of life…Are you ready? Will you join us, dearest One? Will you enter the infinite beauty of your heart? Will you choose the golden middle way? I’ll meet you there…

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom,

 Lots of love,
Jana x x 

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