Meditation Themes

Highest Expression Of You

You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” Rumi

Dear Ones,
one of my greatest joys in life is to witness transformation…I’ve been blessed with working with people who genuinely and sincerely seek change and want to become a greater version of themselves. And as they let go of one negative thought and behaviour pattern after another I can see their majestic self emerging. As at the core of our being we are ALL so radiant, so perfect, so free, so abundant and so loving. Yes, conditioning and past experiences can create layers or veils, which dim your inner light and joy and consequently attract less desirable life experience, but ultimately they can’t ever define who you are. 

You are nothing less than Source in the body. Once you truly remember, there is no return back to the old ways of being and living. And it doesn’t really matter how long it takes you to truly understand and fully integrate this insight, your personal journey of awakening has already started and will continue.

Most people start this journey consciously because they want to change something externally. But soon they start realising that the manifested reality is only a reflection of the internal one. Perhaps low self-worth attracting a relationship where one is not fully seen, acknowledged and appreciated or a belief in lack and limited resources keeps attracting jobs where one is underpaid… But no matter what’s happening externally a true transformation has to happen first within. 

And my favourite part in witnessing all of this is the turning point when many have this spontaneous realisation that it’s all about who you BECOME on the way towards your dreams. As you have to BE first what you want to have more of in your life. And so many start truly treasuring the inner gifts. This inner wholeness. This inner peace. This inexhaustible love. This heavenly serenity. This bubbly joy. This unlimited freedom of your mind. This feeling of your innate power in every cell of the body. This unwavering faith in Divine…And of course all the desired changes in the external reality are to be celebrated too, but one learns to put things in the right order from now on – first within and then without. So to me the ultimate manifestation is the gift of self-empowerment and self-realisation. 

And so what is the highest expression of you, dearest One? Can you see it, can you feel it, can you be it? If you can, you’ll experience it in your life in very tangible ways. Are you ready?

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom!

Lots of love,


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