Meditation Themes

Abiding Peace

“Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say that I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will be as one…”  John Lennon

Dear Ones,
you are pure potential…And whatever you want to experience in your life and also bring to a wider community, you have to simply BE it first…It’s good to know that no matter what’s happening around you right now, there is abiding peace within you…An evergreen oasis you can learn to grow further and further into the landscape of your everyday life…Your intention will lead the way…Abiding peace is one of the attributes of the infinite being that you really are, so you don’t have to “make it happen”, it is already there within you…It is your home…You know it well and it knows you well…It is a sacred wholeness, where the opposite sides of the truth don’t argue any longer… It is like the soothing silence of those who said what needed to be said a long time ago and now let their deepest hearts take it from there…There is no striving nor struggling as one fully realises that the greatest power requires the lightest touch….Abiding peace…Your true self…Your very own essence…You are it and it is you…Now and always…

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom!
 Lots of love,
Jana x x 

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