Meditation Themes

Ease and Simplicity

Dear Ones,
the deeper I dive into the wisdom within the more I can see how simple and easy life can be if we let it. The truth of life is simple so that everyone can understand it. So why for many life seems so complex and difficult that they get lost in it? Not so surprisingly it’s the mind again! It is only when we believe the thoughts of complexity and difficulty that we can create a matching experience in our lives. And once this is experienced, it becomes a belief. The belief then perpetuates itself, because we don’t see it clearly as just a belief but often unconsciously accept it as truth, as a fact. So how do we break this vicious cycle and allow our lives to be simple and easy

The first step is to at least imagine the possibility that your life could be much simpler and easier…You could use affirmations such as “Life is easy. Life is simple.” to help you find this inner alignment. And you could affirm it again when things start manifesting according to this truth. You could just say in your mind: This was so easy…

Life naturally simplifies itself when we live in harmony with our inner truth, our values and what really matters to us. The rest becomes an unnecessary clutter we don’t need and easily let go of. Then there are not many distractions creating confusion, complication and difficulties…Naturally as we go through life our values and priorities change, so this might be a good opportunity to pause, reflect and answer these questions for yourself: What are my priorities right now? What really matters to me? What no longer resonates and I am ready to let go of? How can I allow more simplicity and ease in my life?

And may these questions be also an invitation back to your true nature of pure awareness, effortless being and infinite bliss. It’s such a joy to return back home! Are you ready? 

I look forward to meditating with you.

Jana x x

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