Meditation Themes

Owning Your Power

Everything in the Universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.” Rumi 

Dear Ones,
It’s so good to remember that the immense power of the universe resides within each of us. No one is excluded. What we see when we look at each other in these physical manifestations we call bodies is nothing more than the tip of the iceberg. We are so much more than what is visible to the naked eye. The same immense sacred power which is in the heart of Source is within our hearts too. And when we become aware of it, it becomes fully available to us.

We all had moments in our lives when we felt both powerful and powerless. The power was always there, in the first case we knew it or believed it, in the second case we temporarily forgot it. And it’s easy to forget, as the mainstream way of thinking and mainstream media focus predominantly on the vulnerability of human life activating much doubt, worry and fear within many. 

Any thought and any belief we subscribe to, can either empower or disempower us. Whether it is our own thought or a thought of someone else, it doesn’t matter. If we believe it, it will become true for us…And so one of the most beautiful ways we can truly love ourselves is to notice, to be aware of this and to consistently choose the thoughts, beliefs and ideas which empower us and to release those which disempower us.  

And to be clear, the power I am writing about today is the only true power – the heart-centred power within each of us, crystal clear and unconditional loving. Power which unites and doesn’t create any divisions, power which acknowledges and celebrates uniqueness and value of every living being. Power which is life giving, supportive, highly inventive and potent, able to create happiness both in our individual lives and also in our wider world community.

And this immense power is within you right now, dearest One. Are you ready to own it completely?

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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