Dear Ones,
When we are caught in the mind we either push against something or try to hold onto something. For most of us it happens so unconsciously that we don’t even notice that we are doing it. But it’s in fact quite exhausting, tiring and often painful. It’s like holding something so tight in your hand that it’s hurting your hand. The answer to how to remedy this is the simplest one – just relax your hand, let go and it’ll stop hurting immediately…
Letting go of our attachments can be this easy. I believe a desire, wish or an intention by itself is joyful and innocent, it’s only when we are attached to a particular outcome that it becomes heavy, difficult and burdensome. But once we understand who we really are and become familiar with our true nature of pure awareness inviting it in the forefront, letting go becomes so much easier. Grounded in our true nature we are the changeless witness…We can observe the thought, we can observe the belief, we can observe the grasping ego…And in the moment we do so, the unconscious becomes conscious and we are no longer slaves to our unconscious thought and behaviour patterns. The doorway to true freedom opens widely, we lose the tight grip and natural wellbeing and effortless being arises.
I often find that the highest truth is somewhat paradoxical: What you resist persists…When you let go of trying to control everything, everything starts falling into place and moving in the right direction…In my visions I see this wisdom being one day taught in primary schools or even nurseries so that everyone knows right at the beginning of their life what actually works and what is futile.
In a way we are like pioneers on the leading edge. We are those who bridge the old and new ways of being, having and doing. Being still conditioned in old paradigms based in fear, lack and limitations, we have to transmute and transcend them in our own personal lives and in doing so we are giving birth to new paradigms based in love, abundance and freedom.
The key to accomplishing this successfully is being present. As anytime we are not present we run an old program. And although this can be a challenge at times, I don’t think we would be here at this time of profound change and transformation if we didn’t have what it takes. So thank you for being here. Thank you for the powerful and beautiful gift of your existence in this time and space. Thank you for moving boldly into a new unknown territory. Thank you for not giving up. You are a gift to this world! So be gentle with yourself, dearest One…