Meditation Themes

Inspired Ideas

“When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about…” Rumi

Dear Ones,
the most inspired ideas come from the space beyond the physical mind. We all know the feeling when we receive such an idea. Like suddenly seeing a shooting star in the sky there is a moment of awe. We know distinctively that this is not a recycled idea from the ego wanting to control external experience and trying to repeat what “worked in the past.” No, it is a moment of fresh innocence and reconnection to the divine child within – ageless, expansive and still in love with life. 

Such ideas are life-giving and often leading us in new directions and new ways of being and living, so that we can experience who we are from yet another point of view. Although the analytical mind might try to discourage us with its arguments why this “can’t be done” or “won’t work” if we didn’t completely lose touch with the divine spark within, we’ll know that we don’t have to know the how and when yet. We’ll know that at this point it is just about trusting the new idea and being gentle with it, nourishing it and protecting it. Like a small seed we put in the fertile soil and water it, we’ll know that’s all it needs for now and in its own divine timing it will grow into the beautiful tree we’ll admire one day…

And so I would like to dedicate the meditations of this week to the sacred inner space, where such ideas can be received. Before we set our intentions for this year, we’ll consciously open to the divine wisdom within. We all have the capacity to be guided to live the most inspired happy lives. This unique guiding voice within our hearts knows us intimately and from the highest point of view, never giving up on us, never judging us, but always calling us forward in the most joyful and fulfilling ways. If we just listen…

Are you ready, dearest One?

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,


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