Meditation Themes

Inner And Outer Peace

“Each one has to find peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.” Mahatma Gandhi 

Dear Ones,
Whenever we are experiencing something unwanted we naturally become clearer about what we truly want. So as many of us still can’t believe that a war is happening in Europe, it becomes very clear that the vast majority of the world community is wishing for peace. And this time for everyone…It’s obvious that the events of the past two years made us aware that we are indeed all in this together, no matter where a border of one country finishes and the other begins. Humanity can’t be split into any artificial segregations as we are all one family and as our understanding of this truth deepens now we have greater chances for global well-being and peace than ever before… 

Many of us are already blessed with a deep understanding of that “the one is the all and the all are the one” which naturally reflects into our world view and our relationships with every living being. A spiritual path also already uncovered for many of us the innate knowing of how we manifest and that anything we want to see in the external reality must first happen within. And so to bring peace into the external reality we have to first experience it internally, be it and live it in all areas of our lives.

And as simple as this sounds, there is a natural journey towards it. A journey of letting go of any internal conflicts, negative thoughts and feelings. These might now come to the surface. As we watch the external conflict, we might experience a wide range of emotions from sadness, grief, despair, feelings of injustice, anger or fear. It’s good to be aware that they all represent the inner war. And to bring genuine and lasting peace into our hearts we can’t push against those feelings, judge or suppress them. They can only be transmuted when we fully embrace them with love, are present with them, feel them and finally let them go. Once this is completed, inner peace emerges naturally. And then we can take it one step further and consciously send it to a place where it’s most needed right now…Are you ready to join us in this quiet peaceful revolution, dearest One?

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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