Meditation Themes

Self-Love & Self-Care

“Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.”  Louise Hay

Dear Ones,
I feel that self-love always points us in the right direction…When you are loving and gentle toward yourself, you are naturally loving and gentle with others. I am sure you would agree that’s what the world needs right now…Especially for us highly sensitive people who hold the highest vision not only for ourselves but also for the world community, these times can be quite challenging. And to be able to hold the light for others and be effective in helping them in any way we feel inspired to, we have to first hold the light for ourselves, otherwise we really have nothing to give… 

Loving yourself unconditionally is one of the most healing things you can do, for both yourself and also the world. Fully embracing yourself as you are right now, including those aspects of you you might perceive as weaknesses or faults will heal you deeply on all levels. It will bring peace and harmony into your heart and will reflect back into the world. And so dearest One, if you need to take a step back right now and express this love for yourself, give yourself full permission to do so. Let your soul be nourished by anything which brings you genuine joy and happiness. It can be very simple – taking a walk, reading a book, meditating, seeing a good friend…Just follow the inspiration you might receive right now. 

Once you feel good again it means you reconnected fully with Source within. And as one who is in alignment is more powerful than a million who are not, you can then give your love and light in abundance to anyone who needs it. Thank you for shining your beautiful light. You are a gift to this world!

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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