Meditation Themes


“Once we can believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience which reveals the human spirit.” E. E. Cummings

Dear Ones,
Imagine how your life would be if you didn’t second guess or doubt yourself…Imagine how it would feel going through your day with such crystal clarity and trust in yourself and your ability to creatively deal with anything unexpected you might encounter. How would it feel in your heart and in your body? Would you be flowing with life more easily and effortlessly?

You can choose to live this way. You can consciously choose confidence over self-doubt. You are an unique aspect of the Divine and your perspective, your point of view matters. Without you there would be something important missing. But to be able to bring this unique expression of you through your personality, through your mind, through your spirit, you have to first fully embrace it yourself and have confidence in yourself.

This doesn’t mean being arrogant or not teachable any more. It simply means not draining your life force by not trusting yourself and your life as it unfolds. Especially if you follow your joy, your passion and that which makes you truly alive, you can be absolutely sure that there is someone who wants to receive your gift of joy. As whenever you have truly something to give there is someone on the receiving end as well. But if you doubt yourself, you stop this beautiful universal dance right at the beginning. And so if you feel inspired, choose confidence today and see what happens…
Are you ready, dearest One?

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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