Meditation Themes


“One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality.” Albert Einstein

Dear Ones,

I love the sound of the English word wonder. I love its resonance, it inspires me, it somehow opens the doors to possibilities and maybe even miracles. It is one of the reasons why I do what I do. The sense of wonder when the crystal clear energy of calm and serenity flows through my heart and hands in a healing session, when I feel the touch of Angels on my shoulders while in a deep meditation or when I channel words which are new and surprising to me too, revealing a new unexpected perspective…I truly treasure these moments and I know I am not special, we all are aspects of the Divine and wonder and magic is our true nature…

I guess the only difference might be that some of us, perhaps in our stubbornness or perhaps because we listen to our instinct, are not willing to subscribe to the idea of the mundane. Albert Einstein once said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” I think he was onto something!

We might perceive the previous generations often superstitious believing in things which didn’t exist, and although I certainly wouldn’t choose to go back in time I sense that with our adoration of the mind, analytical thinking and rational explanations we closed a door on miracles which were very real in the lives of our ancestors who believed in them. 

You see, you’ll get what you expect. Do you expect a miracle to happen to you today or tomorrow? What do you expect? Whatever it is you are expecting – however justified – you are calling it to you by the powerful law of attraction. Our personal thought patterns have their momentum, so if you’ve been thinking about yourself and the world in a certain way for decades I don’t expect you to change your mind radically overnight. But actually I am taking it back, because why not?! Anything can happen… I am sure of your Divinity. I am sure of your innate magic. I am sure of the wonder of you. So the remaining question is: Could you see yourself in this light too? Could you open the door to the miracles in your life? Do you want to?

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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