Meditation Themes

Living Life to the Fullest

Dear Ones,
Sometimes we develop patterns of holding back in life…But life will always call us forward. And it is the most natural thing in the world to follow the call and not resist changes and growth in all areas of our life. One of the many gifts of being consciously on a spiritual path is becoming more and more aware of who you are. As already Socrates proclaimed more than two thousand years ago the famous Know thyself, you won’t ever regret the time you dedicate to explore who you really are. As when you know who you are, this inner knowing will not only help you understand who everyone else is, but also the workings of the universe: Because as within so without. And when you know who you are, you will also be able to see more and more clearly any negative thoughts and beliefs which can hold you in resistance and in stagnation. Some of the most common ones are: I am not enough. There is something wrong with me. I don’t deserve to be fully happy. I am not lovable. It’s not secure to be my authentic self. 

Although these beliefs are often unconscious, your conscious inner growth will naturally make you more transparent – both to yourself and to others. So you will be able to recognise these patterns yourself or synchronicity will help you to attract someone who will help you to see them clearly. Either way, once you realise that these are only negative thoughts and you don’t have to believe them any more and give your power away to them, you make a major step towards your inner and outer liberation.

And living to the fullest can happen only from this place of inner freedom and allowing yourself to be who you are. You can’t be fully happy if you are trying to be someone you are not, and it doesn’t matter if you are trying to fulfill someone else’s expectation of you or blindly follow images of a happy life the current society presents you with. Unless you recognise your own inner authority, you don’t really accept the unique unrepeatable gift of your life in this time and space. 

But maybe you are done with holding back now? Maybe you are ready to embrace fully who you are and let your light shine brightly? Maybe you are ready to live your life to the fullest and take the next step forward? 

I  look forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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