Meditation Themes

Follow Your Joy

Dear Ones,

One of the most common old beliefs is that to achieve anything valuable in life we have to work hard, struggle and strive. But when the driving force in following our dreams is genuine joy, passion and interest, no matter how much action we take and no matter how it looks on the outside to us it will feel effortless and actually energise us. Often totally absorbed by the activity itself we forget about time and space, thinking perhaps only half an hour has passed when in fact it might be two or more. 

Not many of us were taught to fully trust joy and its direction. But there comes a time when we truly understand that the feeling of joy reveals what and who we resonate on a deepest level and will expand and deepen our life experience further. And so we make the wonderful discovery that joy and passion are like an accurate inner compass pointing us to our true north. 

This deep understanding guides us then back to the heart and its immense wisdom and guidance. And it’s good to know that most of us don’t really have to worry that we could ever overdo this and discard all the gifts of analytical mind as the mainstream society predominantly operates in its realm and our conditioning also already accentuated this part of us. 

The liberating and often quite exhilarating return to the heart might require awareness and discernment, especially at the beginning. As many of us have been conditioned to live in the head and follow the loud “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts” rather than the authentic, often soft voice of the heart. And so the main question is: How do we return to the sacred space of our heart and allow joy to guide us?The first step could be being present and noticing anything which truly opens our heart and makes it sing. We could write those insights down and then make them consciously a priority and consistently take inspired action towards them. The more we listen to joy and act on it, the easier it is to follow the next joyful impuls. We become naturally more receptive and also in tune with the state of joy.. And soon enough we start experiencing true joy of living. Again and again feeling the renewing and energising powers of genuine joy and passion creating a beautiful self-perpetuating cycle of inspiration and inspired action. 

I sense that now is a very potent time to start trusting joy fully as the New Earth emerging is going to be based in love, heart-centred living and genuine joy. It is emerging through each of us and so if you feel inspired, consciously invite joy and lightness of being into your life now and see the magic unfold. 

Are you ready to join this quiet joyful revolution, dearest One?

I look forward to meditating with you. 
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation with the theme: You Are Magic

On Thursday 14th March at 10 am on Zoom & Saturday 16th February at 11.30 * am at Tree Of Life Centre in Hove & on Zoom. (* GMT)

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