Meditation Themes

The Deepest Peace

Dear Ones,

conditioning often gives us an unconscious message that we can’t have inner peace until “our life is perfect”. But as all negative beliefs this one too is not based on truth no matter how real it might seem to us. As long as we are having a human experience we are open ended and always evolving so the state of perfection is an illusion. Believing that one day we will reach it and THEN we will feel the desired level of peace, will keep it forever in future and always just a little bit out of reach. 

The moment we understand that peace is always available to us no matter external circumstances and we learn to go to the source of this peace, it will become our everyday experience. And so I am writing to you today, dearest One, to remind you of this infinite well of the deepest peace within you. It is there right now. It has always been there and it will always be there. Regardless of what’s happening in your life right now, this sacred oasis is within your heart and you CAN reach it now and always.

This peaceful sacred sanctuary within, your true nature is forever connected to Source/God. And you CAN reach it much more easily than you’ve been taught to believe simply because this is who you already are at your very core. Nothing extraordinary has to happen for you to get in touch with this sacred aspect of you. Just take a deep breath, close your eyes and think of peace: The deepest peace you can imagine in this moment, peace as deep as the deepest calm lake. No slightest ripple is appearing on this lake. Its surface is like crystal clear glass, so clear that you can see your own reflection clearly. Take one more deep breath. Can you feel it? 

You don’t need anyone else’s permission to enter your inner sanctuary, only your own. You can visit it whenever you feel inspired to and stay as long as you want to. You can enter it everyday and remind yourself daily of this deep peace within you. You can remind yourself daily that you CAN access it. And you can remind yourself that you can bring this peace with you wherever you go. No longer waiting for the external reality to “bring you peace”  but rather bringing peace to every aspect of your life and to everyone in your life. Simply living from this innate infinite peace within you everyday. 

Yes, you might notice the ripple of your thoughts appearing at times but now you know this is just a surface level of your true being. And you are no longer fooled by these inch deep ripples and temporary appearances. You go beyond. You dive deeper. You are starting to become familiar with this eternal and infinite peaceful aspect of you. You are at home there. And all your being appreciates this sacred bathing in healing waters of the deepest peace. Your body thrives, your mind thrives, your spirit thrives. As every time you reemerge, a renewed and replenished version of you emerges. 

And so if you feel inspired, dearest One, let’s dive into this deep well of peace together in this week’s meditations. 

I look forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation with the theme:  The Deepest Peace

On Saturday 15th June at 11.30 * am at Tree Of Life Centre in Hove & on Zoom. (* GMT)

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