Meditation Themes


Dear Ones,
At times we can all feel that we have no choice. But that couldn’t be further from the truth of who we are. As each of us is an unique aspect of the Divine and this sacred self within is always absolutely free. In our humanness we can create experiences which might make us feel stuck or trapped and although the experience itself can feel very real, it is still based in illusion and there is always a way out. You only need to remember that in fact you are free. So anytime you feel limited or restricted you could start reminding yourself silently: I am free.  

Your focus is like a magic wand. Certain thoughts activate certain energies. And the thought I am free starts gently untangling you from any illusionary limitation you might have temporarily placed on yourself. Allow this to be a gentle process. You don’t have to rush it. If you only start looking towards freedom you will start moving towards it and in time you’ll gather strong positive momentum. 

The core of your freedom lies in the freedom of your thoughts. At every moment, in every situation you can choose a lower or higher point of view. And every thought evokes a certain feeling within you. The feeling is the resonance or dissonance with the Divine wisdom within. The positive feeling is yes from the Divine and the negative feeling means no. Again, as you are granted free will you can choose any thoughts no matter what feeling they bring within you. But as thoughts create our reality it’s good to be aware that with adopting, repeating and recycling of negative thoughts you are – maybe unconsciously – limiting yourself and start moving away from your own Divinity and away from your freedom. 

But if you truly value your freedom, you’ll naturally start cultivating positive thoughts. The positive thoughts have the ability to unlock any doors which might have been previously closed and so you can walk through them to more freedom and new possibilities. The negative thoughts often create an illusion that the door is not even there, so you won’t see it. And so, dearest One, before you go out there into the world to seek more freedom, make sure first that you are free within, because as within so without…

I look forward to meditating with you.

 Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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