Meditation Themes

The Magic of Living Joyfully

Dear Ones,

I feel more and more that human life, your life, is such a gift. Yes, it can feel challenging at times but when we truly understand that life is on our side and in truth never is and never was against us, we reach an important milestone on our journey of awakening. 

We start allowing life to be more magical or perhaps better said we start seeing the magic which has always been there but somehow we couldn’t see it. This usually happens in the time when we have a powerful insight that we always have an option to flow with life rather than struggle and often unconsciously work against it. 

Those of us whose inner child is naturally alive, playful and fun loving already have an advantage because we know that working against life always manifests as a loss of joy and we are not willing to give our joy away. Somehow we instinctively know that joy is much more valuable than perhaps the first well-meaning adults around us taught us. Instinctively we know that life without genuine joy is not worth living. This doesn’t mean that we won’t experience life’s natural challenges but our ability not to give up joy easily, come back to it quickly after moments of a temporary disconnection and treasuring joy always serves us immensely.

Whatever makes us joyful speaks about us more than anything else. It speaks about our humanity and it also speaks about our divinity. Inner joy like a beacon of light guides us steadily, consistently and impeccably in the direction our soul chose for this lifetime. Like following our North Star, we learn to trust it and walk in its direction.

Energetically, joy is one of the highest vibrations we can experience. And treasuring it certainly doesn’t mean to devalue, suppress or repress any negative feelings. They too have their value and often come to the surface in times of healing when we are releasing old negative beliefs. Accepting, embracing and loving what arises within us is an important step on the path of awakening and on the path of joy. By taking care of any negative feelings and transmuting them our inner joy becomes more and more apparent for us. Like on a summer’s day the sky becomes clearer and clearer until only the heavenly blue is everywhere we look. And so we start understanding on a deeper and deeper level that happiness is a choice and we CAN choose joy everyday. 

If you have subscribed, both consciously or unconsciously to the idea that joy is not important, the journey of joy might feel unfamiliar or even frivolous at the beginning. But once you are on the path of joy and you’ll start seeing all the benefits joy brings into your life, you won’t need anyone else’s approval or understanding. 

Joy will revitalise and enliven your body, mind and spirit again and again.  So you will have enough energy to go after your dreams and won’t take no for an answer. You’ll experience profound intelligence and the organising power of the high energy of joy as you experience magical synchronicities in all aspects of your life. Being in the right place at the right time, meeting helpful people at perfect divine timing and experiencing that all aspects of your life are truly magically interconnected. 

The fruits of your labor will be much sweeter too. As anything you do from a place of genuine joy will naturally bring joy to everyone involved. And so your joy is like a ring on a calm lake, it ripples much further than you might be able to see. In following your joy you support and demonstrate a joyful way of living and your footsteps literally bless Mother Earth. 

And so if you feel inspired, dearest One, take one step in the direction of your genuine joy today. You never know where it might lead you. Your life is a grand adventure, your life is a gift… 
I look forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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