Meditation Themes

Healing Your Inner Child

Dear Ones,

Many of us on the path of awakening are now realising that many of the beliefs and patterns we notice within us are actually not ours but belong to our parents, teachers and the time and society we’ve been born in. For years or even decades we have mistaken them for our own, thinking that this is simply who we are. But as the journey of awakening  progresses and removes one veil after another revealing gradually the truth of who we are – the bright light of our true nature, we can see more clearly than ever before that we don’t have to subscribe to any of those old outdated ideas any longer. 

I sense that our first years of life are not accidental and that the soul chooses the time, the place, the family, the nation for the theme she is interested to explore in this lifetime. This certainly doesn’t excuse the misuse of power by some parents but from my work as a coach and therapist I notice how many strikingly powerful souls chose challenging early years. It’s like they are not afraid to transmute darkness into light. And it seems that the further they went into the darkness in their early years the further into the light they can go later in life. I sense the sky’s then the limit for these powerful souls. And the chances are, that if you are reading these words you are one of them.

To transmute the dark into the light one has to allow inner healing. And one of the most effective ways to heal yourself is to heal your inner child. So if you feel inspired to go deeper and explore this further, take some time to first reflect on the ways you were brought up by your parents and teachers. You could write some of the insights down to make it clear and transparent for yourself. Be very gentle with yourself while you are making these important discoveries and if any emotions come to the surface embrace them just as they are. 

Loving what arises is one of the most powerful healing tools I came across so far. You can simply imagine that you put your arms around any emotions which arise. You don’t judge or suppress any of them, nor do you make more of them or go into the stories connected to these emotions. You simply stay present and loving with the emotion itself. If tears appear let them flow too as they sometimes accompany healing and letting go.And if you still feel any negative feelings towards your parents or early teachers, I would encourage you to forgive them. Gently allow yourself to be fully transparent and honest with yourself as you reflect on this. You certainly don’t have to force yourself to forgive if you are not ready. But if you truly love yourself sooner or later you’ll realise that forgiveness is mainly a gift to yourself. As any suppressed feelings of hurt, resentment, anger or grief only take away your joy, your vitality and your good health. 

The next step to heal your inner child is to parent yourself. So again you could reflect on yourself as a child. You know yourself better than anyone else, so consider what would make you thrive as a child. Would it mean having a gentle nurturing parent? A parent who would help you to grow your confidence by consistently encouraging you and believing in you? Or perhaps you would benefit from a parent who would lovingly and consistently discipline you so that you are strong and healthy and not easily susceptible to distractions or addictions? Be honest with yourself. You know what you would truly benefit from. You could again write those insights down. Now, simply be the ideal parent to yourself. Parent yourself. In the way you talk to yourself in your inner monologue and show it also through your action. Take those active steps which you know will support you. Nurture yourself. Encourage yourself. Discipline yourself. Take good care of yourself. 

It’s always good to surround yourself with people who enhance your life and you enhance their lives. But it all starts with the way you treat yourself. When you truly love and respect yourself, you’ll naturally attract people who will love and respect you too. 

I believe parenting yourself is an important step on the path of awakening. And if you have the good fortune to witness a really great parent and witness their child growing up into an amazing thriving adult, you’ll see clearly where the parenting of yourself will lead. You’ll be secure in who you are and naturally confident. You’ll be loving and respectful toward yourself and others and have healthy boundaries. You’ll believe in yourself and also encourage others to believe in themselves. You’ll happily share your gifts and talents with others and allow others to enrich your life too. You’ll appreciate your uniqueness and the uniqueness of others. You’ll thrive and inspire others to thrive. 

These and more gifts will be revealed to you as you lovingly parent yourself. And so if you feel inspired, dearest One, take one step towards parenting yourself today. You deserve to be healed. You deserve to have a happy fulfilling life. And it is all in your hands because you are not a child anymore…

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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