Meditation Themes

Trusting the Universe

Dear Ones,
We each are our own path. Living in alignment and harmony with who we are will reveal each step on our journey in life. And whenever we depart from our true nature and – often unconsciously – try to be someone we are not we create resistance both within and also on our path. Because we each ARE our own path. So to trust this path we need to learn to trust ourselves. Our inner yes and our inner no create this internal road map we can follow. 

This is natural and not too complicated if we allow ourselves to be grounded in the centre of our being, in the heart and in the body. This way we will not get stuck in the head and confusing meanders of the mind, creating temporary disconnection from our intuition and our internal compass. 

We each have impeccable inner guidance. An inner voice always guiding us in the right direction, the voice which already knows who we are and where we are going. And this voice is closely connected to our authenticity, to allowing ourselves to be who we are, treasuring it and growing further in our authentic self, so that we can become the greatest version of ourselves.
And so the journey of life is at the same time a journey back to ourselves, to our true nature: Enveloped by countless veils of conditioning and beliefs, each of us is a shining being of light and love. A being more magnificent, bright and powerful than many of us are able to believe in this moment.

It is still you but stripped of anything which holds you back in life, your fears, your insecurities, your false ideas and beliefs about yourself, others, the world and what’s truly possible. The story of our life is then about taking steps towards this gradual unveiling and realisation of our true, infinite and eternal nature. And it’s good to know that we don’t have to rush this process or try to skip certain things in life just to get to this point of total self-realisation. We each are like fruit ripening through every season and when it ripens fully it falls effortlessly to the ground.

And so what is required on this magnificent path of awakening is not so much trying too hard or working hard but often it is more about allowing. Allowing ourselves to be who we are, allowing others to be who they are, allowing our path to unfold, allowing our dreams to manifest in the right timing, allowing all pieces of our lives to come together. 

This is by all means not a state of resignation, passivity or waiting for something to happen but rather it is being present with life. When we can meet life with this presence and immediacy no longer filtering everything through thinking, we won’t miss anything that life presents to us in our everyday’s dance with reality. We won’t miss the important turns and twists on our path. Instead we start seeing that each of us is an important part of this divine orchestration and that we can trust this divine flow completely… 

I  look forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation this Saturday 17th August at 11.30 am both on Zoom and at Tree Of Life Centre in Hove with the theme: Trusting the Universe

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