Dear Ones,
I love this quote by Albert Einstein as it describes what our perception of the separate really is – an optical delusion. Science already tells us that our physical eyes can perceive only a fraction of the reality with capital R. And so we all already know that we can’t ask our eyes to give us proof that we are all interconnected, all expressions of the Divine and that there is only One manifested as many.
We have to go into the heart and perhaps let it guide us in meditation, deeper and deeper beyond the busy world of manifested “somethings”. Only then can we see the reality which might have been hidden to our physical eyes. The heart already is connected not only to our loved ones, family and friends but also to the greater community. The heart already knows the way and if we can trust it, it will gradually and naturally unveil the truth.
It takes openness, curiosity and willingness to dive deep and listen to the wisdom of the heart. But the good news is that we all have an inner truth detector and so we can all distinguish what is true and what is false.
We can’t ask our physical mind for proof either as since our birth our mind has been constantly and consistently fed with the ideas of separation and lack. And as the child in the first seven years of life doesn’t have developed the critical mind yet and simply absorbs all information as facts we all accepted the idea of separateness as fact. And so the thought of Oneness can truly feel radical and new at first.
And it is not that our individuality, uniqueness and personality doesn’t have any value as without our body and mind we couldn’t experience the sumptuous beauty and physicality of life on planet Earth or having loving exchanges with others. But when we ONLY believe in the separateness and not acknowledge the truth of sacred Oneness of all living beings, we are totally out of balance.
When there is only belief in the separate self, fear and insecurities are only a natural consequence. This inner vulnerability of separate and disempowered self can manifest in many ways from trying to control, manipulate, force, work too hard and in more extreme cases as conflict and wars.
But when you know without a doubt that what you do to others, you literally do to yourself, when your heart speaks to you about the eternal and very real connection to all living beings, co-operation, altruism and good will are again just a natural consequence.
A deep understanding and knowing of Oneness will naturally create more harmony and relaxation within you. When you finally realise that no matter of external circumstances you’ve never been, never are and never will be alone, your life will never be the same.
As the web of eternal unconditional Love connects Source with all living beings, you realise – perhaps for the first time – that it holds you too. It guides you, supports you in every step you take and so you are never really lost regardless of external appearances. And when you can feel this, when you know this unequivocally, you’ll naturally open your heart and open your mind and let others in, and perhaps with new and unexpected joy you’ll realise that your family is much greater than you previously thought…Welcome home, dearest One!
I look forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love,
Jana xx