Meditation Themes

Your Gifts Matter

“Be a beneficial presence on the planet. Give your Gifts. Boldly go where no woman or no man has ever gone before.”  Michael Beckwith

Dear Ones,
as a late bloomer I took time to discover and grow my greatest gift. It was and still is something which emerges gradually. It’s open ended and I know it will evolve, surprise and delight me still further. I think it’s one of the most wonderful adventures you can embark on – to share your gifts with the world. I’ve learnt that I only need to trust and cherish the gift within and it will guide me forward. Step by step. Some aspects of it didn’t always feel like a gift but more like a curse. My astute sensitivity was overwhelming at times to say the least, especially in my childhood. But without it today I wouldn’t be able to either channel Source energy or to tune into the complex inner landscape of my coaching clients’ beliefs. Being a typical self-learner was another “interesting one”, especially if you are born in a country where there is no freedom not to mention a support of individual thinking. I can remember resisting to be taught something while I didn’t quite understand why. Today I know that I was led to look for information inwards and trusting that education which comes directly from my soul or Source. Thankfully my stubbornness got me through all of it and is still helping me to pursue doing something which is not exactly mainstream. Now I understand that soul makes all choices from a place of absolute freedom and what looks like a curse is actually a blessing in disguise and a plan to grow your gifts stronger. I also know that I am not unique in this way. I know that there is a great gift within you too and that you too have your own story of this gift’s initiation, growing and sharing. So wherever you are on this journey of unfolding, trust and cherish your gift. Even if you don’t know yet what it is. You’ll know in perfect timing and it will unfold perfectly. Because there is something only YOU can give!
I am looking forward to meditating with you soon.
Lots of love,
Jana x x

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