Meditation Themes

Your Authenticity

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” Rumi


Dear Ones, 

I feel this transformation we are all going through is asking us to be authentic in a new higher way…There will be soon time when the face masks won’t be necessary anymore, and as we put them away, we should do so also with any other “protective” masks, we might have been – perhaps unconsciously – wearing. The new worldis asking us to be happy in our own skin, fully respecting our sacred individuality and uniqueness no matter how much it fits or doesn’t fit in other’s people expectations. To be yourself fully is the ultimate freedom and a gift you CAN give yourself. And the time is now! 

Often this feels more difficult for people who don’t resonate with the mainstream thinking and way of living as they naturally stick out more…From my observation this is for a reason as they are often leaders and progressive thinkers who are ahead of their time, somehow noticeable even if they try to hide…And as any true teaching happens by example, they are meant to be seen, they are meant to be heard, they are meant to be noticed. Even if it’s just by their presence without a single word spoken they will change, they will transform those around them…

Many of you who are reading this are those progressive souls…And so let go of any fear of being judged now and step into the power and light of your authenticity…Love and respect yourself completely and let go of that which is not beneficial for you any more…From my own experience and also from working with others, I noticed that we usually don’t doubt long term those things which are really good for us. Short term maybe, but long term rarely. Soul simply knows. So if there is still something in your life – internally or externally – which doesn’t resonate with you, release it. Don’t hide behind it any more. It might feel safe, but it’s not. The price is too high…Once you let it go, you’ll feel lighter, happier, more true and transparent…The transparency will simplify your life noticeably. Because as you release that which doesn’t serve you any more, your inner conflict disappears and more energy will be available to you. And with it more harmony and peace…Authenticity, harmony and peace are the building blocks of the new world…Rising first within you…I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom.

Lots of love,
Jana x x 

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