Meditation Themes

You Are Powerful

“One who is in alignment with Source is more powerful than a million who are not.” Abraham-Hicks


Dear One,

one of the things I find so utterly fascinating and I think I’ll always will are our personal beliefs…They are so intricate! They are also very important, as we create our lives within the boundaries of our beliefs. Your beliefs are like filters through which you perceive the world. And it was a gradual process of you adopting your beliefs. Some of them serve you and some of them don’t. You received them from your parents, your family, your nation, your culture. Some of your beliefs are also very personal as through your own life journey and events of your life you started to believe certain things about yourself and life in general. You see our beliefs are really quite complex! 

But beyond all of this complexity you are also Divine, you are Source in the body and this is much bigger and greater than any limitations you’ve placed on yourself in this lifetime. And the Divine within you communicates with you constantly and consistently, giving you feedback about your beliefs and whether they truly serve you or not. And you receive the feedback through your feelings. 

Feelings – so often misunderstood, often through the attempts to judge, analyse or even suppress them. In the long history of patriarchy they were/are often marginalised or even ridiculed. When all along they’ve been giving us a very accurate and very personalised guidance. Source within you always giving you feedback about your beliefs and thoughts and how in alignment or misalignment they are with the Divine wisdom within you. It is a little bit like the hot and cold game we all played as children. The better your thought or belief (which is just a thought you keep thinking) feels to you the closer you are to what Source within thinks about the same thing and the worse you feel the further away you are. When you start playing with this a little bit you’ll notice fairly soon that Source is an eternal optimist and won’t agree with just any grumpy thought you might stubbornly hold onto. If that would be so, you would feel happy thinking grumpy thoughts, but you are not, are you? 🙂 

When you start “walking side by side with Source”, gently and lovingly adjusting your thoughts according to the feeling response within you, you start gradually reconnecting to your immense power. As when you are in alignment with Source, you possess the same power as Source. Simply put the better you feel, the more powerful you are in any given moment, the worse you feel the more disconnected from your power you are..

If this is too far from your current belief but you are still intrigued or curious, play with this a little bit. This is not a detached philosophical concept, this is very practical. So if you feel inspired, make a little experiment and make feeling good your priority for some time. Tweak your thoughts not according to how objective or “right“ they are, but how they make you feel. Put yourself on the positive feeling diet. Just for a few days to start with. And see what happens. 

Maybe you’ll start breathing more deeply. Maybe you’ll start feeling more expansive. Maybe you’ll start seeing more solutions. Maybe you’ll start seeing more goodness within everyone and everything. Maybe you’ll start to love yourself and others more. And maybe you’ll remember that you are a powerful creator of your life and no circumstance no person can take this power away from you unless you give it to them…I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom!

Lots of love,
Jana x x 

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