Meditation Themes

The Power Of Your Uniqueness In A New World

A heart filled with love is like a phoenix that no cage can imprison.” Rumi

Dear Ones,
your uniqueness is your greatest superpower. There is no one like you in the whole universe. And you didn’t come here to copy someone else or to become someone else. Yes, life is full of change which is meant to evoke a change within you, but not for you to become someone else but to become more of who you already are. A higher and higher version of yourself as you engage in this forever continuing dance with life and creation. And if you are moving in the right direction in your life, it is happening already…You revealing your true essence. Your true nature. You relaxing into your deepest heart and opening it not only towards yourself but also to the world…But it is still you…In other words imagine a field of parallel realities. In some of those realities you are nearly the same as you are right now at this moment and in some you would have a hard time to recognise yourself, but it is still you. And the most important question is: Who do you prefer to be? What is the greatest version of you? 

Embracing the highest and highest version of yourself doesn’t mean chasing perfection. It’s rather a gentle yet persistent opening of your heart to the wonder of you, to the magic of you, while releasing any old and preconceived ideas of who you are. It is surrendering to the Divine within you and letting it shine through more and more. It is you becoming transparent as you connect deeper and deeper not only to the Divine within and your own heart, but also to the hearts of all living beings. 

Fully embracing and celebrating your uniqueness is essential on this journey we are all on. Especially at this point of our evolution. It means knowing yourself. It means respecting yourself. It means loving yourself unconditionally. But it doesn’t mean being self-absorbed or becoming an island. As in the moment of wonder and awe, in the unforgettable moment when you fully see and comprehend the beauty and power of your uniqueness, at the exact same moment you see it within others too. Truly recognising your own light always means recognising the light of others too, no matter how temporarily dimmed that light might be. And this is how a new world, a new society is being born. A world where everyone’s uniqueness is fully respected, where everyone is recognised as embodiment of Divine, as an equal, a friend, a member of one family. And we are just at the threshold of such a world…Are you ready to enter it?

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom!

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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