Meditation Themes

Your Vision For 2022

“Your purpose is to be YOU as fully as you can and the way that’s perhaps most easily done is to act on your highest joy.” Bashar

Dear Ones,
it’s so good to be clear about our intentions…Confusion is a natural part of life and to me is often a sign that we’ve outgrown something in our lives and are ready to take the next step forward, but we might not know yet what the step actually is. Ego doesn’t like the unknown so will naturally resist it, but if we recognise that this is only a natural stage before clarity emerges, we won’t need to struggle and we’ll allow any transitions to be smooth and effortless. 

It is often through contrast when we realise what we don’t want any more and become crystal clear about what we do want and so each little piece of clarity is to be cherished. Even if it emerges at first in very vague shapes. Similar to when we look to the horizon of the ocean and see a boat approaching the shore. At first it’s fuzzy and we can’t see its clear shape immediately but once it’s close enough we see it with all its intricate details. 
Energetically, the key is appreciating the pieces of clarity we already have. Even if we know our intentions only in very general terms, for example wanting more peace, joy, adventure, abundance, creativity and growth. If it feels good –  energetically meaning we are ready for more – we can go into more details and perhaps write down what each of those general intentions mean for us on a practical level. It is possible that in one area of our lives we are completely clear and in another we might just have a vague idea. And although it’s good to get as clear as we can, we can relax into a deeper knowing that whatever we are able to see right now is enough. 

The clear picture, the clear vision becomes then the target of our focus. As where we place our focus, we place our energy and we expand it further. The conditioning makes us often focus too much on what’s missing or what’s wrong and in doing so we recreate the “not having” , “not being” etc. over and over. So on the outside it looks like we are stuck and nothing is changing, when in fact we are recreating the same in every new fresh moment. The most accurate way to know what we are really focusing on – that what we want or lack of it – is the way we feel. Any positive feeling like joy, peace or excitement tells us we are focused right on the target. Any negative feeling like discouragement, disappointment or frustration tells us we are missing the target. 

A clear vision connected to positive feelings like gratitude has an immense creative power and it’s a secret of all successful visualisations. I am dedicating the meditations of this week to this magical synergy, so that it can guide us and carry us into the year of 2022. 

The last important ingredient is to let go. To release the vision with the intention “this or something better for the highest good of all “. This gives space to the benevolent and loving Universe to take our vision further and to places we couldn’t even imagine and also it helps to release anything which might not be in alignment with the truest authentic self. And so it is not about overly controlling external manifestations, but rather consciously co-creating with the Universe and trusting the process and adventure of life, knowing that it is already lovingly guiding us forward. 

And so if you feel inspired to envision 2022 for yourself, join us for this week’s meditations!

Lots of love,


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