Meditation Themes


“What you seek is seeking you.”  Rumi

Dear Ones,
Most of us have been conditioned into believing that we have to make life work for us. But the truth is life is already working for us. The natural current of life is already carrying us in the right direction and the more we can trust life and the way it unfolds the more joyful and easier it becomes. And once you truly know your goodness, your worthiness, the immense value of you being authentically you at this time and space, you’ll naturally start trusting more that the Universe always has your back. 

This becomes especially valuable at this time when many of us are receiving guidance to do things differently and to change in some ways. We might not be entirely clear yet how or what to change, but trusting this inner guidance is an important first step to take, the next step will reveal itself when we are ready. 

The more we can trust ourselves, the higher power within/Source/God however you want to call this immense unconditional love calling us forward, the more ease and flow we experience even in the midst of uncertainty and creative void of the unknown. 

I believe the challenges might always be there for us to grow, learn, expand and experience ourselves and life from new points of view, but challenges don’t equal struggle or difficulties. We are all stepping into the times where we’ll realise fully that struggle and suffering is optional and that we can always choose to flow with life. 

Experiencing struggle can be in fact our first clue that the ego took over and tries to control life from its very limited perspective. When this happens, we don’t have to feel bad or judge ourselves, but rather we can have compassion for ourselves and our human experience.

If you imagine your life like a river, the ego in its desperate attempt to control will often make you swim upstream but your higher self will always call you in the direction of the stream. And to get back into the flow of life you only need to remind yourself of this truth. One of the many tools you can use is an affirmation. You can create your own so that it feels natural to you. I recently received the following affirmation and I love using it right now: I honour the Divine within me and l
et it guide me. 

What is your magical sentence to remind yourself? Let me know, I love being inspired by your wisdom too!

I look forward to meditating with you

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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