Meditation Themes

You Are Joy

Dear Ones,
Most of us generally believe that as we get older we also get wiser and with more maturity we know more clearly what truly matters in life and what doesn’t. This may be true to some extent but sometimes we can also get further and further from what life really is about. Famous quotes like the one by John Lennon: Don’t trust anyone over 30 sums it up well 🙂 Under the weight of often growing responsibilities many forget to engage with the magic of life and forget to play and have fun…Life becomes somehow heavier and more serious with every year and the enchantment and wonder of the present moment gradually disappears.

When this happens it means moving further and further from the truth of who we are. It’s sometimes easy to forget it. And maybe you forgot too, dearest One, that at your core you ARE joy! But if you did forget I am sure there was a time in your life when you knew this. Can you remember when you last felt it, knew it, lived it? No matter how far back in time you have to go to remember, it’s worth it to revisit the moment. As no matter what I write about joy to you today, remembering what it means to you personally will be an important touchstone for you. 

Maybe as a child or a young adult it was easy for you to be joyous and carefree. Maybe it feels so far away now. But no matter how it feels to you right now, your core identity is still very much present and alive. And if you don’t feel joy right now, it only means it’s covered by your life experience. You can remove the cover and reconnect to the truth of who you are anytime. It’s much more in your hands than you might realise right now. 

Maybe you wait for something external to happen to make you joyful? Maybe you think something quite extraordinary has to happen in your life to feel joy again? You can certainly choose to live your life in this conditional way and automatically respond to life. When something “good” happens to feel joy and when something “bad” happens to feel sad or angry. Or you can make another choice: You can decide to be joyful. You can decide to meet life with joy. You can decide to start your day with joy and maybe finish it with joy also. Or you might decide to allow joy to take over and overflow into all areas of your life and bring it with you wherever you go. And maybe you choose this just because you know unequivocally that joy is who you are and you are tired of being someone you are not…The choice is always yours…And it is in your hands right now at this very moment…

I  look forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love, 

Jana xx

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