Meditation Themes

Profound Peace

Dear Ones,
Recently in my meditations I’ve been experiencing new and unexpected levels of peace. Peace so exquisite, full of joy and radiant aliveness. Peace full of clarity and unconditional love. Peace where everything seems to align effortlessly in profound harmony. 

It made me reflect on how we think of peace. I realised that although my more than two decades long meditative practice brought me many peaceful moments, until now I rarely put peace as one of my main priorities. And when I wondered why we seem to treasure peace so little, someone very wise pointed out that most of us associate the word peace only with the lack of war. This of course doesn’t describe the bountiful beauty of peace from my recent meditations. And so I am redefining what true peace actually is and making it one of my main priorities is only a natural consequence.

I truly treasure those moments when I discover something new about myself and who I am. Our inner world is a world on its own. And like the first explorers discovered new continents we too discover new unknown territories within. And these new discoveries can totally change the perception of ourselves and who we are, the same way people once believed the Earth is flat only later discovering that it is indeed round. 

I wonder how my life would transform if I can bring this new profound level of peace into every aspect of my life. It feels like a fertile ground where many new seeds of my creations could take root, grow, blossom and ripen. Indeed, I believe this peace I am starting to experience is the peace of paradise or heaven many mystics and artists spoke about throughout history. And although the conditioning makes us seek it externally, it is, always was and always will be within each of us. Once we discover it and fully inhabit it, it will naturally reflect in all aspects of our lives. And when more of us accept this divine invitation of inner peace, we’ll experience not only a world without wars but heaven on earth.

And so, dearest One, are you ready to join this inner quiet revolution? 
I look forward to meditating with you. 

 Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation with the theme: Profound Peace

On Thursday 8th at 10 am on Zoom & Saturday10th February at 11.30 * am at Tree Of Life Centre in Hove & on Zoom. (* GMT)

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