“Like a fragrance to a flower, true happiness is an expression of your unconditional self. “ Robert Holden Dear One, You probably noticed too, that even at best of times …
“The moment of surrender is not when life is over. It’s when it begins.” Marianne Williamson Dear One, Any true transformation always means becoming a higher expression of yourself and …
Dear One, If you are one of us who are already dedicated to inner work and spiritual growth, you might be now pleasantly surprised that you still feel free no …
Crystal Clarity
“For me the greatest beauty always lies in the greatest clarity.” G. E. Lessing Dear Ones, One of the greatest gifts of this historically important time is the higher potential …
Self-love & Self-care
“What is done in love is done well.” Vincent Van Gogh Dear Ones, We are going through such a powerful time right now which could initiate such a profound change …
Believe In Yourself
“We are what we believe we are.” C.S.Lewis Dear Ones, since the first time I’ve realised that we can only create within the boundaries of our beliefs, I knew I …
“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” Rumi Dear Ones, I’ve always loved being around children. Children of all ages to …
“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” Thorton Wilder Dear Ones, the most inspiring people I’ve met so …
If you want the moon, do not hide from the night. If you want a rose, do not run from the thorns. If you want love, do not hide from …
Follow Your Passion
“Passion is the genesis of genius.” Galileo Galilei Dear Ones, One of the greatest gifts of reaching my maturity is understanding how important passion is in my life…It took some …