Dear Ones, I find self-love to be the most essential in finding true happiness. According to the research, about 80 – 90 % of people don’t love themselves. And so most …
The Journey of Unconditional Self-Love
If I love myself, I love you. If I love you, I love myself.” Rumi Dear Ones, It seems to me that with each new generation there is – generally …
True Self-Love
Dear Ones,As we are just stepping into new and fresh energies of the spring, it’s a wonderful time to start something new, to be brave and take any inspired action …
“Respect your uniqueness.Drop comparison.Relax into your being.”Rumi Dear Ones,respect for all life always starts with the respect we have for ourselves…When we are blessed with seeing the world from the …
7 Reasons Meditation Helps You To Find True Self-Love
From my many years working as a life coach, healer and meditation teacher I know for sure there is one thing we all need more of. And it’s not so surprisingly …
Self- Love
“This life is mine alone, so I have stopped asking people for directions to places they’ve never been.” G. Doyle Dear Ones,As we are going through these powerful transformative times, …
I let my love for myself increase every day… Dear Ones, I’ve just felt so inspired by one of my friends…I haven’t seen her for months and in all those …
Own Your Power
“There are powers inside of you which, if you could discover and use, would make of you everything you ever dreamed or imagined you could become. “ O. S. Marden …
“Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” Louise Hay Dear Ones, I think I’ll never get tired of seeing the transformation within people and their lives when they start loving …
Dear Ones, I think a soul lives in a state of a perpetual enchantment. Mine always gravitated there whenever she (soul is she in Czech, so I will use it here) could, …