Meditation Themes

Trust in the Universe

“Everything you want is coming. Relax and let the universe pick the timing and the way. You just need to trust that what you want is coming, and watch how fast it comes.” Abraham Hicks 

Dear Ones,
“Everything you want is coming. Relax and let the universe pick the timing and the way. You just need to trust that what you want is coming, and watch how fast it comes.” Abraham Hicks  today I would like to remind you that there is no one and nothing innately against you. Yes, you can create experience like this through the power of your mind if you focus negatively, but nevertheless the first sentence still remains true. And you can live the full meaning of it if you start focusing on the core reality beyond the perceived and ever changing physical reality, that you are a beloved child of Universe, that you are safe and constantly surrounded by Love – that in fact you yourself are Love at the very heart of your being and so is everyone else…Often, to really experience this highest truth you have to retreat from the chatter of your own conditioned mind and the mental chatter of those around you, back to the internal space where all creation and creating begins. And if you don’t give up too soon the powerful inner and usually gradual process of understanding and regaining of your innate power, in your own time – in perfect time – you’ll reach this inner place of true stability unshakeable by any external manifestation. You’ll reach the place of unshakeable trust or even knowing of your goodness, of your worthiness, of your secure place in the Universe. It will feel to you like a rebirth, it will feel to you like your life has just begun…
I look forward to meditating with you soon, 
Lots of love,
Jana x x
Meditation Venues:
London: Fri 26th October at 5.30 pm at Light Centre Monument, 36 St Mary at Hill,  EC3R 8DU
Hove: Sat 27th October at 11.30 am at Tree of Life Centre, 143-145 Portland Rd, BN3 5QJ
Lewes: Mon 29th October at 9.15 am at Southover Grange Gardens, Southover Road, Lewes, BN7 1AB

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