Meditation Themes

Your Intentions for 2019

“Quantum science suggests the existence of many possible futures for each moment of our lives. Each future lies in a state of rest until it is awakened by choices made in the present.” — Gregg Braden

Dear Ones,
I hope you are having fun with opening to the divine guidance and inspiration for this year. It’s good to be playful and light about this. Like a child who asked a question and now simply EXPECTS an answer. The inspiration you might receive can be truly amazing and eye opening! So stay open. This is not only a wonderful exercise of your intuition but also an opportunity to deepen your relationship with Source/Divine/Universe/God…Most of us want security and stability in life. Although the very nature of life on Planet Earth is about constant change and growth and we have to go with it if we want to stay happy, we can have the security too. But the true ultimate security is not in those external places that most look for it. Your ultimate security is in the feeling or even better – in a deep knowing that you are a beloved and blessed child of the Universe and no matter what you are going through, everything is always working out for you, no matter how it looks on the surface.  So as you ask for and receive the inspiration you’ll also strengthen the relationship with Source. And this is so important!! It’s essential for your true happiness that this relationship with Divine doesn’t feel abstract and far from reach, but real and tangible.
After you’ve received your inspiration for this year, write it down or create a vision board. Do this when you are in a really good place. The best time for this is when you feel excited about the things you could create this year. That’s the right time to sit down and get as clear as you can. Your clear picture has to feel good. So if you are not ready to see the details yet, if they make you feel worried or tense, don’t force it. Stay general. The general could be something like – more positivity, authenticity, love, trust, joy, openness, adventure and abundance. If it still feels exciting, break it down to relationships, work, money, health, fun things to do and anything which is important to you personally. And if more specifics still call you, outline what you aim for in relationships with specific people, in work opportunities, amount of money you want to manifest, how you want your body to feel like etc. Holding the clear picture of the intentions for 2019 will be the theme of this meditation. The shared intention will give it an extra power!
I am looking forward to meditating with you. 
Lots of love,
Jana x x

Meditation Venues:
London: Fri 11th January at 5.30 pm at Light Centre Monument, 36 St Mary at Hill,  EC3R 8DU 

Lewes: Thurs 17th January at 9.30 am at Intrinsic Health, 32 Cliffe High Street, BN7 2AN

Hove: Sat 19th January at 11.30 am at Tree of Life Centre, 143-145 Portland 

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