Meditation Themes


“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” Thorton Wilder

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Dear Ones,

the most inspiring people I’ve met so far have one thing in common. They appreciate. They feel gratitude often. And from that high energetic place everything in their life can just grow and blossom further and further…One of my most inspiring clients often ends up spontaneously appreciating everything and everyone in her life. Including her difficult past, challenging people and situations. It’s genuine. No faking. No trying to make it happen. It literally feels like an overflowing cup of goodness, abundance and love. The energy in the room becomes incredibly uplifting as appreciation activates the infinite field of possibilities and for her anything is possible in that moment. It’s undeniable. It’s inspiring and for me one of the highlights of my week I now look forward to…She didn’t reach this high state of living instantly, it was a journey, a gradual process. But now she is there with such an amazing stability and deep understanding how powerful this is that I know for sure her life will just get better and better. As like attracts like she is attracting and will continue to attract into her life more to be appreciated…The more I work with people the more I realise that we all have the same mind, playing the same tricks on all of us. For sure we each have a different past, different conditioning and therefore different personal beliefs. But if you truly and passionately want to change for the better and commit to the inner work any real transformation requires, there is nothing and no one who can stop you…If one can do it, everyone can. So if you are in this potent stage of your life and made a decision to live more fully and happily, start with appreciation and see what happens. Make it your everyday sacred ritual. Start in the morning, before any negative mind chatter sets in motion. And then during the day if you notice something beautiful, something which uplifts your heart, appreciate again. Stay there longer with your attention. Bask in the appreciation of that moment. And know that you’ve just waved a magic wand and more magic is on its way to you…And maybe then you’ll remember that you are a powerful creator of your life and no current condition or external manifestation can ever limit you…

I am looking forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,Jana x x

Meditation Venues, this week’s theme is Gratitude:

Lewes: Thurs 14th November at 9.30 am at Intrinsic Health, 32 Cliffe High Street, BN7 2AN

London: Fri 15th November at 5.30 pm at Light Centre Monument, 36 St Mary at Hill,  EC3R 8DU 

Hove: Sat 16th November at 11.30 am at Tree of Life Centre, 143-145 Portland Rd, BN3 5QJ 

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