Meditation Themes


If you want the moon, 

do not hide from the night. 

If you want a rose, 

do not run from the thorns. 

If you want love, 

do not hide from yourself.  Rumi


Dear Ones, 

As many of us are in tune with the current energy of transformation and releasing what no longer serves us, we need to remember to be gentle with ourselves and ground ourselves in self-love…I found for myself, that self-love and transformation go really well together. The more I love myself, the more I know of and live from my innate worthiness, power and ability to manifest my heart’s true desires, the more I am able to see my truth and trust its guidance completely. So I no longer get into defensive patterns when realising that something needs to be changed – usually within me as the external reality only mirrors what’s happening internally. I know now that I don’t have to prove myself to anyone. I am work in progress, eternally evolving, eternally becoming and I am lovable no matter how perfect or imperfect I or my life might be…So if these words resonate with you too, dear One, be gentle with yourself now…Allow yourself to go through any internal and external changes with grace. Love yourself no matter what ‘s happening in your life right now. Any challenges you might face as you are leaving the old behind and embracing the new are not a proof that you are doing something wrong. They are there to help you to realise that you are much stronger, much more powerful and much wiser than you realise. And if you can love yourself, if you can support and encourage yourself like you would your best friend, there is absolutely nothing that can stop you now!

I am looking forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,Jana x x

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