Meditation Themes

The Highest Expression Of You

Dear Ones,

For some time I am now awakened to a deeper knowing that I – and everybody else – am an unique and eternal aspect of the Divine. It certainly is a powerful knowledge to have, especially if it comes with your own tangible experiences and insights. Remembering who you are is not only a source of neverending joy but it also gives you inner stability no external manifestation in its inevitably transitory nature could ever give you. And so many of us feel truly fortunate to come to this point of inner recognition. And as lucky as we can feel, this inner knowing is more often than not a result of our determination or passion to truly know who we are and what is the meaning of all of this…We can sense this understanding will still evolve and deepen so we are no longer seduced by any dogma, we know the journey unfolds and continues: Source expressing herself through all of us in this Divine play we all have our roles to play…

One of my favourite questions in my morning meditations is What is the highest expression of me? It helps me to reconnect to the pure potential within before the mind has anything to say about it. With this question I am also learning the power of open ended positive questions. The moment I ask my higher self or the eternal part of me this question an unique alchemistic process starts to unfold. Even before I receive any images or messages, it feels like I am being energetically directed or pointed towards my true north. It feels tangible, it feels very real. So I learnt not to rush the answer but just sense the direction, the inner movement and the direction as my higher self starts answering it.

It helps me to get in touch with all I can be and not subscribe quickly to any borders or limitations of who I am. It is like an inner morning exercise, it feels like I am stretching energetically. It is so helpful and balancing as most of our human experience is so much about placing these limiting and too defining borders on ourselves. Whether it’s your name, your address, your job, your status…You name it…It’s good to feel this unlimited pure potential, to taste it and to know it still more intimately. It is the source of all our freedoms and also our authenticity. It’s good to bask in it, be it, letting it be. 

The next part of the answer are the images, thoughts, feelings. A vision. You enter the vision and take the shape of the vision. For pure joy and delight. Simply because a creator loves to create. A painter likes to paint and a musician likes to compose. We are all infinitely creative and our thoughts, feelings and images are the tools we use in this Divine workshop. The feeling is the secret. If taking on a particular shape gives your heart wings you are on the right track, so go fearlessly in that direction. Your joy tells you that what you see is really your north star calling you forward. 

What you discover in this magical unfolding process might be quite different from what comes when you let your mind answer this question. The mind steeped in the conditioning and shoulds and shouldn’ts can give us a vision which might not be in alignment with our true self and can take us actually further away from authentic self. So this inner exercise is also a great way to get in touch with your authentic self. And so if you are inspired to explore the highest expression of you, join us for this meditation, dearest One! You are always welcome to join us. 

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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