Meditation Themes

Change Is Natural

Dear Ones,
Change is the only constant in life and so the way we embrace change tells us much about how we embrace life. If we resist change we can be sure we resist life too on some level. There are natural differences between us in how flexible we each are in flowing with change and it’s good to know that we don’t have to go beyond our natural rhythms of personal evolution. I find that living a good life is often a balancing act between being on one hand kind and loving towards oneself and on the other hand being truthful and transparent with oneself. And those two seem to be somehow intertwined. I noticed this within myself: the more I love myself unconditionally the more I am able to see with increasing clarity and awareness all the parts in me where I still need to grow. I think it’s because without enough self-love we take things too personally and in doing so we unconsciously play the game of hide and seek with ourselves. With growing self-love on the other hand we realise that we are much greater than the limited ego/personality could ever be and so we can see more clearly the bigger picture and also relax about it more easily. 

And so when both self-love and transparency is present we can always see if we still need more time to integrate any changes or if we are simply in a holding pattern, resistant or even downright stubborn and then we can take it from there…With growing understanding of our true eternal nature we also start understanding that we can totally trust the natural change and movement forward. Certainly we wouldn’t like to keep a seed in status quo forever so we won’t ever find soothing shade under a stunning oak tree and we wouldn’t choose to keep a baby forever dependent on his mother carrying him around so he won’t ever take the first independent step. 

Some phases of natural change and their total perfection are sometimes harder to comprehend from our human perspective: The last petal of a rose falling to the ground, the daylight decreasing and the night taking slowly over or a loved one transitioning back to the non-physical…But “the other end” of change is equally valuable and beautiful if we only allow ourselves to see it that way and let go of the conditioning which often taught us to think in simplistic black and white colours. Often the greatest teaching comes in fact from the other end of change. It teaches us all the art of letting go and not holding onto anything too tight. It teaches us that what truly belongs to us will never be lost no matter how many times it changes its form and shape. It teaches us the difference between attachment based on inner insecurity and everlasting love. And most of all it wakes us up to our true nature and helps us to see clearly the temporary nature of all our roles…At the end of the day all actors must sooner or later step out of their role and return back home….

I  look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, 

Jana xx

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