Meditation Themes

Remember Your Greatness

Dear Ones,

right at this moment you already are everything you want to be. As Rumi puts it beautifully you are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop. The Divine is within you and you are within the Divine. Now and always. Your dreams and wishes reveal the natural direction of your life and if you trust it, the seeds of infinite possibilities will grow, flourish and bear fruit. All in perfect divine timing and perfect divine ways. 

The journey of awakening you are on is revealing the truth of who you ALREADY are – that you are Divine, that you belong, that you are eternal and that you are powerful beyond your wildest dreams. At the beginning of the sacred journey of remembering these words might sound good to you and you may want to believe them but you don’t. But as you progress and have glimpses of your own Divinity, everything starts changing and the words become your living truth. The mystery of your greatness is usually revealed one step at a time. Perhaps that you won’t get overwhelmed by your own infinite beauty, infinite power, infinite wisdom and infinite love and that each realisation can be integrated effortlessly in your everyday experience. 

There is an unmistakable turning point when you see clearly and finally leave the old story of victimhood beyond. This is the point where your limited human self based in your conditioning is losing grip over you and the Divine within you starts shining brighter and brighter, for your own joy and for the joy of those around you. Your greatness reveals itself not with self-absorbed grandiosity but through your compassionate and unconditionally loving heart: You become a messenger of not only your own greatness but the greatness of every living being. And even if you don’t say anything, just by your own presence this ultimate truth will be transmitted to anyone who is ready to receive it.

A full realisation of your own greatness then grants you a full access to your free will as you see clearly through the old programs of your mind and let go of the slavery automatically following their pathways. Your life becomes then truly yours and stepping into the unknown becomes your greatest joy and your everyday adventure. And so dearest One, no matter wherever you are on your sacred journey of remembering if you feel inspired, make the next step now. I celebrate and honour your greatness now and always…

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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