Meditation Themes


“Try something different. Surrender.” Rumi

Dear Ones,

I am becoming increasingly aware of the power and magic of surrender. The beginners on the spiritual path often misunderstand surrender for giving up. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Surrender is a regal path, an elevated path of those who mastered the ego and no longer live their lives from the fearful and anxious place of limitation. 

Surrender is an ultimate affirmation and understanding that all is well and always will be no matter how it looks. It is not resignation nor retreating from everyday life or denying one’s responsibilities. Rather it’s understanding that anytime we are trying to control external reality we are not really in alignment with our innate power/ Source/ All-That-Is. 

In surrender we consciously give the steering wheel of our lives to the higher self/ true nature/ the Source part of us. And when we do so we consequently move from struggle and strive to ease and flow. In surrender we understand on a deeper level that we are all One and that the Divine within and without already orchestrates everything for us and guides us to take the next step in life. 

In surrender we stop overthinking and allow peace and joy more easily, understanding more and more that they are already present in our hearts and all we need to do is open the heart and ground ourselves there. We no longer nurture doubt and fear, we embrace them with love in the moments they appear but we no longer let them be the main characters in the play of our lives. We finally understand that we have the choice to do so and that no lower emotion, thought or belief has the power to enslave us. 

Finally in surrender we see the Universe as benevolent, loving and supportive. And so we let go of any residual defensive thought and behaviour patterns and fully open to infinite possibilities. We are no longer afraid of any challenges as we understand that they are here to help us to give birth to a new higher version of us once we move through them and so we finally understand that while growth experiences will always be there, suffering is optional and so we are no longer choosing it… 

I look forward to meditating with you!

Lots of love, 

Jana xx

Join Us for Meditation with the Theme Surrender:

Thursday 10th March at 10* am on Zoom or Saturday 11th March at 11.30* am ot Tree of Life Centre in Hove and on Zoom. (* GMT)

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