Meditation Themes


Dear Ones,
In my coaching sessions I often find the simplest tools to be the most effective in transforming people’s lives. And gratitude is definitely one of the most powerful ones. It’s like a magic wand which can change anything for the better: It could be that you have ten things in your life and only one thing is going well. If you could feel gratitude and appreciation for the one thing going well, the other nine would improve soon. 

Nothing “big” has to happen in your life either to be able to use the immense power of gratitude. You could be feeling appreciation for the simplest things. The only thing which matters is that the feeling of gratitude is genuine. That you really mean it. And when you do, you are connecting to the highest truth that your life and everything in it including all present challenges is a gift.  

So if you feel inspired, make time for the practice of gratitude everyday and let the magic unfold. Gratitude and appreciation is where all your riches and abundance begin, both internal and external. And as there is no better time than now, let’s activate the feeling and the high energy of gratitude right now. So what are you grateful for right now? Notice what comes first to your mind. And then you could just say thank you and connect to your heart as you focus on this particular blessing in your life. Allow yourself to feel the feeling of appreciation in your heart. Does it open your heart more? Does it expand it? Is there a feeling of warmth and love emerging? Could you expand it? Could you bask in it a little longer? 

What you’ve just done is transformative. You’ve just waved a magic wand: You’ve just used your mind in the most beneficial way. Whenever you feel a genuine feeling of gratitude, the Universe reflects it back to you and you’ll experience more things to be grateful for. 

And if you feel inspired to take it to the next level, choose gratitude often not just because it will get you something good in future, but because this is who you want to be, because this is who you choose to be: Someone who naturally appreciates rather than complains, someone who is looking for the positive rather than the negative, someone who radiates love and joy rather than brings everybody down. The choice as always is yours, dearest One… 

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join Us for Meditation with the Theme Gratitude: 

Thursday 20th April at 10 am on Zoom and Saturday 22nd April at 11.30* am ot the Tree of Life Centre in Hove and on Zoom. (* GMT)

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