Dear Ones, For years I have had this beautiful vision of the golden age when all humanity will live in peace, love and harmony. And yes, a full manifestation of …
Compassion, Forgiveness & Letting Go
Dear Ones,I sense that we are on the brink of many great changes in both our personal lives and also collectively. And to be able to manifest the highest version of …
Happiness Is A Choice
Dear Ones, It takes practice to consistently keep a positive focus in the ever changing world. The authentic positivity I am talking about here doesn’t mean to be in denial, …
The Universe Loves You
Dear Ones, As at this point of human evolution most people don’t fully understand their immense value and worthiness, the message of how much each of us is cherished by …
A grateful heart is a magnet to miracles… Dear Ones,gratitude has such a magical effect. It expands everything good in our lives. Just ten minutes of conscious gratitude practice a day can …
Choose Love Not Fear
“Because I always have a choice, I choose love.” Deepak Chopra Dear Ones,the time of change and transformation we are going through is so powerful. Can you feel it too? …
Your Capacity to Give and Receive Love
Dear Ones,all of our relationships – whether they are romantic in nature, friendships, relationships within family or wider community – are offering countless opportunities to affirm what true love really is. …
Living From the Heart
“The very centre of your heart is where life begins.The most beautiful place on Earth.” Rumi Dear Ones, in the current state of our society we are conditioned to live predominantly …
You Are Joy
“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” Rumi Dear Ones,your true nature is pure joy…Once you realise that ultimately you are …
The Miracle of Love
Dear Ones,at the core of your being you are infinite unconditional love. That’s why it feels so good to experience love in all forms and shapes and both give and …